Iran has become the latest front in the resistance to the advance of the Anglo-American-Israeli Empire. As the US-led War of Terror has been raging all around the region, Iran has played a key role in defending Syria, Iraq and Lebanon from
Saudi-financed and American and Israeli-backed terrorists who have become the proxy troops carrying out the
Obama doctrine, first unveiled in the now-failed state of
Libya. Iran is also believed to be providing some level of assistance to the Yemeni resistance to the GCC’s attempt to reinstall the imperial governor placed in power as a result of the 2011 revolt that toppled previous governor Saleh. Without apparent irony, this is claimed by the US and its Israeli partners to be justified in the name of “preserving stability,” even while they destabilize the entire region in accordance with the
Oded Yinon plan.
As should be obvious to any informed and thinking observer, the intent of those nations leading the endless wars is to establish global full spectrum dominance, as outlined in the 2000 PNAC white paper
Rebuilding America’s Defenses. While the main front in this offensive has been centered on the oil and gas-rich Mideast, the US and its partners in this criminal enterprise are operating everywhere on Earth. Ukraine is aflame while the CIA-backed USAID works toward its grandiose goal of staging another Color Revolution in Russia ala the Yeltsin coup. Northern Africa has been attacked by NATO in Mali and Libya, while the US sets up a neocolonial system with willing governments and Africom establishes a dominant military presence across the continent. Efforts to stage further coups against leftist governments continue. The pivot to the East has been heralded as a “response” to trumped-up Chinese hegemonic ambitions, though the clear intent is to
militarily challenge China’s peaceful rise to economic dominance.
Thanks in large part to
CIA influence, the corporate media has been remarkably effective at controlling discourse about US foreign policy, so much so that the average American remains clueless that their tax dollars are financing the expansion of a global Empire ruled by the transnational corporations that control US foreign policy in collaboration with their Israeli partners. They have yet to recognize that the US has become the victim of a corporate coup starting with the October surprise that led to the election of Ronald Reagan and completed when George Bush the Lesser was selected as the figurehead leader of the “free” world by the US Supreme Court. Stunning as it seems to outside observers, Americans still haven’t recognized that after 9/11, neocon plans were launched to establish a permanent fascist New World Order under cover of a “War on Terror.” If Americans allow that plot to succeed, they will be as much the slaves of those who carried it out as the rest of the world.
That is why events in Tehran are critical to all of us. Well-meaning peace activists who think it appropriate to attack authoritarian regimes for repressing criticism of their rule are aiding the propagandists by diverting attention from the point that the US is behind all the chaos in the Mideast. You do not have to support the domestic policies of governments that are resisting the advance of Empire in order to hope that they succeed. If they cannot successfully defend their sovereignty in accordance with international law, no nation is safe. There is no hope for freedom for any of us if the nations in the axis of resistance cannot hold the line against the spread of fascism.
Those who claim that the use of the term fascism is unjustified hyperbole need to look up the definition. The US and Israel have become hyper-nationalistic, imperialist and dominated by corporate interests. The US government in particular is spying on its citizens, punishing dissent and expanding police powers. Such a government does not need a dictator to be classified as fascist, particularly when like Germany in the 1930s it has willingly handed power to those who would now presume to rule them without their consent. Americans need to relearn the lesson that dissent is patriotic and that submission to an oppressive and imperialist government is not.
Now that there is a framework in place for an agreement on constraining Iran's fictional nuclear weapons program, the furious neocon backlash to peaceful negotiations will intensify. Even as the negotiations were approaching success, unreformed neocons like John Bolton were calling for an illegal preemptive attack on Iran. Having learned nothing from the severe damage aligning with the right-wing Netanyahu government against President Obama has done to the Zionist cause, brain-dead Republicans and Democrats who have sold their souls to AIPAC are determined to undermine what would be Obama's legacy achievement: Ending neocon control of US foreign policy and creating conditions to end America's War of Terror.
Cynics will point to some of Obama's actions and claim that
it is naive to say that he really intends to challenge the criminal cartel that
seized control of US foreign policy following the coup of 2000. They have a
point, but the counterargument is stronger.
-In 2009, Obama called for Iran to ship a substantial
portion of its enriched uranium to a neutral country. With the aid of Turkey
and Brazil, an agreement was reached. Obama and his hardline neocon Secretary
of State Killery Clinton promptly nixed the deal.
-In 2012, Obama proposed severe sanctions on Iran, citing
its nonexistent nuclear weapons program, which both Israeli and US intelligence
agencies had repeatedly declared to be imaginary, starting with the 2007
intelligence report that killed Cheney’s push for war at that time.
In view of this history, what is the evidence that Obama now wants to
make a deal?
-His latest negotiations are obviously far more serious. He
suggested the talks shortly
he decided not to bomb Syria following the
false flag attack there. That
required him to call for a vote in Congress, something that no one thought he
would do. It was entirely unnecessary in the post-9/11 world of unrestrained
executive war powers.
Israelis and Saudis, already apoplectic over the failure of their push for war
with Syria, became almost hysterical in their reaction to Obama’s overture of
peace with their common nemesis. This was a direct challenge to the power of AIPAC
to determine US foreign policy.
-Recall that this all took place after Netanyahu spoke to
Congress during the 2012 election, challenging the candidates to make a vow
support an Israeli first strike on Iran. Romney jumped to the bait while Obama
ignored it, letting his Jewish supporters point out the outrageousness of this interference in a US Presidential election.
-Obama has fought off neocon assaults on the peace process and turned many of
them into political assets. His actions have made many Americans aware for the first
time that the interests of Israel as defined by its right wing government and their neocon allies are inconsistent with
those of the US and the region. Though neocons never admit defeat even in the
wake of serial disasters, the latest example of Netanyahu’s arrogance followed
by the overwhelming show of support by Israelis in the recent election following his racist remarks and rejection of the
peace process spells long-term trouble for neocon ideology and the Zionist
interests it incorporates.
The momentum is clearly in favor of reaching a favorable final agreement. The
reaction to this prospect will further illustrate the dangerous control that
AIPAC and its supporters have over the US government. If neocons continue to
overplay their hand, it will be a win-win for those opposed to US imperialism
and the War of Terror which has provided a cover sufficient to fool American
into supporting endless war for corporate Empire. It will also brighten
prospects for an eventual just settlement for Palestine.
So why has Obama had such an inconsistent policy?
give credit to Obama where it is due and work to make sure that this time, the
US keeps its promises. Contrary to the claims of the corporate media about
Iranian betrayals, the
US record has been one of consistently lying and breaking agreements as a
means to further Israel's claimed interests and those of the bankers behind the military-industrial complex. These are the real powers that ultimately
determine US foreign policy, in part by always representing a mortal threat to
any President who might dare act like one. If Americans speak with one voice as they did when Congress prepared to vote on attacking Syria, they may meet with similar success by providing Obama with the cover he need to avoid the fire of those who put Israel's declared interests above that of peace.