Like many great movies, the Matrix lays out a reality most of us do not recognize at an intellectual level but sense at a visceral one. The problem is that it portrays those who control it as too powerful to fight, even with the power that full Enlightenment brings. In the end, the society of those who resist is reduced to an almost animal level and the matrix retains its power over the mass of humanity that is trapped in its drugged dream state.
The international corporate terrorists who control the US government and media and those of the Puppet governments of the Empire believe that they are succeeding in their effort to create a permanent fascist New World Order supported by an American citizenry living under the delusion of American exceptionalism. Those of us who trouble ourselves to follow events outside of the matrix understand that only by awakening enough of the dreamers can we succeed in creating a united front against fascism and war that will save humanity from enslavement by the selfish, shortsighted and self-destructive men who have appointed themselves Masters of the Universe.
In the United States, many have been partially awakened by the tremors produced by Tectonic shifts occurring in the economic and social structures that have sustained civilization since its founding. As the corporate war machine rolls through the streets of America it is finally arousing the public that slept while it acquired its strength by the ruthless exploitation of those Peoples of other nations powerless to fight alone against it. Humans have been made to believe that war is inevitable for so long that Americans have allowed international corporate terrorists free rein to wage endless war in to protect their right to live a life of indulgence at the expense of the rest of the world.
In the United States, a powerful force is arising to combat the enslavement of the American people, awakening as many dreamers as possible as it moves across the nation and gathers force. I have identified this loosely connected movement Soldiers For Peace International because we will not allow hatred, anger and violence to divide us. We are one People, citizens of the Earth and demand that there be liberty and justice for all because we recognize that our only hope for survival is to put aside our nationalistic, racial and other prejudices to stop these international corporate terrorists from enslaving us all in their fascist dystopia.
The mission of Americans in the united front against fascism and war is to end corporate control of their government through amending the Constitution to ban corporate campaign contributions, limit individual donations and abolish corporate personhood. The fascist doctrine that corporations are people was established by generations of Supreme Court justices installed in their powerful positions by a plutocracy to protect their stolen wealth and positions of power and privilege. There is a rising awareness that this perversion of the Constitution is not just another problem to face but the central problem that we need to address to emerge victorious in the war against the working class being waged by the Puppetmasters of the US government.
When those who have the most influence on American opinion realize that ending corruption of government by corporations and the rich must become the focal point of our efforts to unite the American people in common cause, then victory will be assured. With nearly 80% of self-described conservatives and liberals agreeing that Citizens United is intolerable, they can end the unCivil War between them if they choose and finish the Revolution that began as a fight against British fascism and Empire.
We will continue to support the nonviolent struggle for liberty and justice for all being fought on all continents. Americans need the support of those in other countries in their own struggle to create a government of, by and for the People in the US if any of us are to escape enslavement in a fascist New World Order. Without democracy in the nation with the most powerful military in the world, there is no hope for it anywhere. To break through the corporate media blockade and the closed doors to the "alternative" media guarded by the gatekeepers of the Left and Right in the US, those struggling for freedom in other nations must help bring the message to the world that the sleeping giant that is the collective will of the American public is awakening.
When enough of us awaken to our moral responsibility to those who have died in defense of freedom and to generations yet unborn, we will assure freedom, justice and liberty throughout the world.