The fight against corporate rule is just heating up, now that the consequences of Citizen's United are apparent.
From a PDA message:
"The impact of Citizens United can be judged by simply following the money. The $126 million in undisclosed money represents more than a quarter of the total $450 million spent by outside groups. Add the $60 million spent by groups that were allowed to raise unlimited money, but still had to disclose, to the undisclosed money and the total amount of outside money made possible by the Citizens United ruling reaches $186 million or 40 percent of the total spent by outside groups."
The campaign to Take Back America by abolishing corporate personhood through Constitutional amendment should get a boost from Corporations Aren't People's video contest.
Prominent US Jews Reject Trump’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan
Jewish businessmen, entertainers, journalists and religious figures signed
a full-page ad in The New York Times saying, “Jewish people say NO to
ethnic cle...
1 hour ago
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